Dubya D
Some people say Thunder Bay is behind the times. Maybe it's because here, the mullet is au courant. Maybe it's the classic rock. Maybe it's because everyone here is... Thunderstruck.

Check out this specimen I found in one of the labs in the basement of the school where all the bleeding edge research is done. I can't tell if it's so far behind it's actually ahead?

Check out this specimen I found in one of the labs in the basement of the school where all the bleeding edge research is done. I can't tell if it's so far behind it's actually ahead?
That's weird.
We best get you out of there and SOON.
insert classic rock tune here.....
Yeah, time to pack it in, James. Thunder Bay is clearly messing with your head.
I think that I'M messing with Thunder Bay's head!
Sean, thanks for the Maiden!
White man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery
He killed our tribes, he killed our creed
He took our game for his own need
We fought him hard we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came too much for cree
Oh will we ever be set free?
Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom a stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack
Run to the hills run for your lives
Run to the hills run for your lives
Soldier blue on the barren wastes
Hunting and killing their game
Raping the women and wasting the men
The only good indians are tame
Selling them whisky and taking their gold
Enslaving the young and destroying the old
Run to the hills run for your lives
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