The Backlog Pt5
After Heather left, it was pretty much business as usual on this end.
It got warm, and then cold. Nothing much changes but the weather right? This pic, for all of my Victoria friends, is a street at night. Note the snow and ice.
We play hockey. Out doors. It's awesome because it doesn't smell like Oak Bay Rec and the changerooms don't have those lingering old men that prey on the weak. There's shwacks of rinks here and there's always a game on. When I come back, I'm going to kick all your asses. Game on!
Derek looks pretty happy in his explorer. He should be after lending it to someone who crashed it. Anyways, we tried not to let it ruin the night...
Which was meeting Mr. Lahey and Randy, that cheeseburger eating mother fucker.
And eventually, time moved on until finally, one Saturday, Derek drove me to the airport. For I was escaping the bay for a week in the Bahamas. Fuckin eh!

I will take this opportunity to let you know that I like scrolling down.
And once I have scrolled down I like leaving my own message that has nothing in particular to do with what was posted.
My name is Vicky.
You may remember me.
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